Cloud native Sustainability
One of the top topics discussions of the year in the cloud native space is about sustainability, sustainable software and spreading the word.
2nd week of October is the cloud native sustainability week and I am so excited for this as we at Kubesimplify have got you covered for entire week with speakers from different organizations talking about their orgs efforts in the sustainability space and how you be part of it.
We will keep it away from politics and oriented towards the tech side of it and how you can use the existing tooling around yourself to create an impact and reduce the carbon footprint.
Why is it so important? Why now? You might have these questions and answer to that is we do have some tooling available to us that can help us get carbon footprint for our applications and then there are tools that we can use this data and do something to reduce it. Let me give you an example, I created multiple videos already in this space out of which two are for Kube green and Kepler project which are the CNCF projects.
Now Kepler project give you the prometheus metrics in terms of workloads and their carbon emissions, Kube green helps you to scale down workloads to zero. You can use these in conjunction to create a powerful combo. Another usecases can be intelligent autoscalers which will be discussed by Avesha team.
Be sure to tune in for the whole week at 8:30am PST everyday from 9th-13th October.
Set reminders for below stream links:
What Am I doing?
Apart from planning for Sustainability week, KubeDay India and DevOpsDays Bengaluru, I have been also working on Civo Navigate Austin!
I created one video and did another Webinar with Kodekloud team, it was a long pending collaboration with KodeKloud.
Yes I am lagging a bit behind in creating content but I am getting to the pace again.
The Kubernetes series in Hindi has started as well.
Sponsored Content
Without the sponsors I won’t be able to give you an authentic newsletter with all the cool stuff, so please do check them out
Cast AI - Kubernetes Resource Management: Rightsizing Limits, Requests, and HPA for Your Workload
Komodor - Automating Kubernetes Deployments with GitHub Actions
Sysdig - When Seconds Count: Expanding Real-Time Capabilities Across CNAPP
Awesome Reads:
Introducing Kargo - Akuity has launched Kargo, a tool that makes delivering and managing changes in cloud environments easier and more efficient, with a focus on improving user experience for developers. Kargo, created by the Argo Project's team, offers advanced support for GitOps, addressing the limitations of traditional deployment methods.
kubeadm: Use etcd Learner to Join a Control Plane Node Safely - The
tool now supports etcd learner mode, which allows you to enhance the resilience and stability of your Kubernetes clusters by leveraging the learner mode feature introduced in etcd version 3.4. This guide will walk you through using etcd learner mode with kubeadm. By default, kubeadm runs a local etcd instance on each control plane node.Bridging the Web: A Glimpse into cURL's IPFS Integration via WebAssembly - Discover cURL's IPFS integration via WebAssembly. Get hands-on with examples and preview the new functionalities powered by Wasmer.
Fast and Portable Llama2 Inference on the Heterogeneous Edge - In this article, it is discussed how utilizing Rust+Wasm for AI proves to be more efficient than Python, offering advantages like enhanced speed, reduced size, and secure operation across diverse devices without requiring modifications. The article provides a step-by-step guide on implementing it with llama2 models, illustrating its ease of use and efficacy in AI development, overcoming the limitations and complexities associated with Python.
Awesome resources/repos
Dapr Labs - Many forms of coffeeshop implemented by C# and Rust run on WebAssembly/WASI (Spin) + Dapr. ⭐️ Star to support our work!
Timoni - Timoni is a package manager for Kubernetes, powered by CUE and inspired by Helm.
ollama - Get up and running with Llama 2 and other large language models locally
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