Cloud native with Saiyam - Rise of Kubesimplify!
March has been epic month in terms of the content produced by the community and also for me personally as I started a new community with big plans ahead.
Kubesimplify - It is a community that aims to simplify cloud native for all. There are many things tied to it :
Student ambassador program - Where Students become part of it and they get resources, mentorship, projects to work on.
Blogs - I have tied kubesimplify website with Hashnode as a blogging platform and we have been posting blogs like crazy!!
Mini project - The plan is to grow the community and make them learn stuff by doing so there will be mini projects where people can collaborate on and build something useful for kubesimplify.
Within few days of start I have received a massive response in terms of contributions, subscribers, sponsors and we would love contributions so reach out if you want to contribute!
On a personal front I have been undergoing dental procedures - 8 root canals, 2 tooth extractions and 1 implant. 3 RCT is done and 1 implant as well. My process has been painful as all had Lesion Infection. It's not complete and I plan to pause now for a few months and then resume the rest. Due to this I have not been able to produce more content on my YouTube channel but I have written blogs so that the knowledge keeps on flowing.
Another thing that happened - I got to 10k Subscribers on my YouTube channel!! That is a huge milestone and I would like to thank all of you for motivating me. After my dental procedures I will be back creating video content!
Kubesimplify blogs
At Kubesimplify the plan to to keep posting the content every day so reach out as we need more for the community. All the sponsorship money for Kubesimplify will be given back to the community.
Kubernetes 1.23 + containerd by Saloni explains how to simply set up Kubernetes cluster on ubuntu 20.04 with containerd as the runtime.
Git & Github : A Beginner's Guide by Nitin Gouda gives a sweet intro to Git and Github with installation, terminology and examples.
Rancher Desktop evolution by Saiyam Pathak tells you how Rancher Desktop has evolved over time and the new upcoming cool features.
Kubernetes 1.23 + CRI-O by Saloni explains how to simply set up Kubernetes cluster on ubuntu 20.04 with CRI-O as the runtime.
Navigating through CNCF landscape by Anurag Kumar explains how to navigate the CNCF landscape in an easy way.
CI/CD Pipeline: GitHub Actions with AWS ECS by Rishav Mehra explains how you can create a simple flask app with dockerfile and put it on GitHub, create ECR and ECS on AWS - connect this git repo and when you commit anything it will automatically deploy the new changes!
GitHub Actions 101: What are Github Actions & how to use them? A Beginner's Guide by Ruhika explains what GitHub actions are with an example!
Introduction to Terrafrom by Nitin Gouda gives a crisp and neat introduction to terraform.
Cool Cool coolify by Saiyam Pathak - An open-source & self-hostable Heroku / Netlify alternative gives you intro to the new project with demo example.
Introduction to WAGI by Rainer Stropek & Stefan Baumgartner
Introducing apko & melange on Rawkode Academy with other Klustered fantastic episodes.
Fully Automated K3S HA Cluster Install with kube-vip, MetalLB, and Ansible by Techno Tim
10 Must-Have Kubernetes Tools by Viktor on DevOps Toolkit
Advanced Kubernetes Deployment Strategies by Andrea Giardini
Getting Started With Kustomize With Datree Examples by Kunal Kushwaha
News and Announcements
Announcing Grafana Mimir, the most scalable open source TSDB in the world - this looks dope, I am writing a blog for this!
Compose with Markdown on google docs - this will be a game changer!
Docker raises $105M series C - always been a docker fan and glad this happened.
All About That Base Image - Chain guard releases a whitepaper that aims to help software professionals better understand the security debt of popular base images by analysing the number, severity, and lifetime of vulnerabilities.
2022 State of SRE Report Identifies Site Reliability DevOps Challenges
Nice February reads(15th to 31st March)
Virtual Kubernetes clusters: A new model for multitenancy by Rich and Lukas - an open source implementation that tackles certain aspects of typical namespace- and cluster-based isolation models.
Canary Release on Kubernetes with Knative and Tekton by Piotr Mińkowski- In this article, you will learn how to prepare a canary release in your CI/CD with Knative and Tekton
The differences between Docker, containerd, CRI-O and runc by Tom Donohue
How to SSH into a Docker Container – Secure Shell vs Docker Attach by Sebastian Sigl
How to verify container images with Kyverno using KMS, Cosign, and Workload Identity by developer-guy
Running Python in WebAssembly by Adam Reese and Matt Butcher
Learning resources/repositories
Learning Go - Projects, Algorithms and data structures implemented in Golang with explanations and links to further readings
Kaar - Kubernetes application archive, it’s like tar but for Kubernetes. Resulting archive is OCI compliant and can be uploaded to any registry.
KubeHelper - simplifies many daily Kubernetes cluster tasks through a web interface. Search, analyse, run commands, cron jobs, reports, filters, git synchronization and many more.
KookKits - highly-opinionated, language-specific, batteries-included debug container images for Kubernetes
Awesome WASM tools - A curated list of awesome, language-agnostic WebAssembly tools
Keyhouse is a skeleton of general-purpose Key Management System written in Rust.
apko - Build OCI images using APK directly without Dockerfile
Makeup - A local development tool to replace docker-compose, based on Make
Learn from Twitter

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Welcome to Speedscale as a new org member 🎉 🎊
This issue is brought to you by Speedscale, Cloudcasa, Sysdig, Robusta, Suborbital, Armo, SlimAI and Teleport ->
Speedscale is a traffic replay framework that provides API observability, and autogenerated tests and mocks from real traffic. Speedscale helps engineering teams validate how new code will perform under production-like workload conditions. Traffic can be multiplied to measure the golden signals of latency, throughput, saturation and errors before the code is released
Cloudcasa is Free Kubernetes Backup and Cloud Migration with Cyber-Resilience as-a-Service. Mi Casa es Tu Casa!
Sysdig is driving the standard for cloud and container security. The company pioneered cloud-native runtime threat detection and response by creating Falco and Sysdig as open source standards and key building blocks of the Sysdig platform
ARMO assures DevOps, DevSecOps, and developers that every workload, cluster, container, and microservice is born and remains secure, from development to production and from configuration to run-time, every time. They are the creators of Kubescape.
Robusta - an open source platform for Kubernetes troubleshooting and automation. Robusta automates your incident response and troubleshooting - what Docker did to Day 1, Robusta does to Day 2.
Suborbital Making cloud native WebAssembly easy.
SlimAI - giving developers the power to build better cloud-native applications with less friction, complexity, and waste.
Teleport is the easiest, most secure way to access all your infrastructure. The open-source Teleport Access Plane consolidates connectivity, authentication, authorization, and audit into a single platform.
Latest from them
Kubernetes Load Test Tutorial By Nolan Brubaker - Speedscale
How CloudCasa Helps Organizations Address Data Protection Weaknesses in Kubernetes - Cloudcasa
Why everyone should track Kubernetes changes and top four ways to do so - Robusta
NSA & CISA Kubernetes Hardening Guide – what is new with version 1.1 - Armo
Digital Forensics Basics: A Practical Guide for Kubernetes DFIR by Alberto Pellitteri - Sysdig
WASM Builders - A blogging platform and community space for everyone and everything WebAssembly - Suborbital
Automating DockerSlim in Your CICD Pipeline by Nicolas Bohorquez - SlimAI
SSH Handshake Explained by RUSSELL JONES - Teleport
Individual supporters
Thank you to the amazing members -> Rawkode, Marky, Noel, Walid, Cedric , Jack , Blaize D'souza, ChadMCrowell, Dan POP, Meaux and Phil Shapiro
Special thanks to Speedscale, Cloudcasa, Sysdig, ARMO, Suborbital and Robusta for being an Org member and to SlimAI and Teleport for being a platinum member.
Some amazing partnerships coming up that will be announced on Twitter so keep an eye out if your org wants to grow the community and support my work then consider becoming a member as it comes with a lot of benefits(membership program)
Do not forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel
Thank you for reading this edition and hope you like it. Please take a minute to subscribe to the newsletter and let me know if you are doing something great that will benefit the community, I will include that.