Cloudnative with Saiyam - September DAD edition
Welcome to the first edition and thank you all for supporting my Youtube channel. You people are the best.
If you have loved me and my content then you will love this too <3 . I want this to be like me telling you stuff that I found useful and from where I learnt this month. If you have anything to be included, feel free to reach out on Twitter. Read till the end for baby pics -> Yes I became DAD in September 2021.
Tools of the month
KubeLibrary - Kubernetes library for Robot Framework
KubeLibrary is a Robot Framework test library for Kubernetes.
pip install robotframework-kubelibrary
pip install robotframework-requests
git clone
cd KubeLibrary
robot -e prerelease testcases
ImageWolf provides a blazingly fast way to get Docker images loaded onto your Kubernetes cluster, allowing updates to be pushed out quicker.
Inspektor-gadget - Collection of gadgets for debugging and introspecting Kubernetes applications using BPF. v0.3.0 comes with 5 new gadgets
-Process collector
-Socket collector
-Seccomp Policy Advisor
K8up - Kubernetes backup operator
Earthly - 🌍 Earthly is a build automation tool for the container era. It allows you to execute all your builds in containers. This makes them self-contained, repeatable, portable and parallel. You can use Earthly to create Docker images and artifacts (e.g., binaries, packages, arbitrary files).
Learn something new
SRE deep dive into Linux Page Cache by Viacheslav Biriukov
Not to worry if you deleted something from your Git
Kubernetes best practices - Reducing the learning curve to prepare a more stable, reliable and functional environment.
SRE resources - SRE resources from Google.
Podman vs Docker - The key difference between Docker and Podman lies in architectural design. Docker's design is a client-server-based design, whereas Podman excludes the daemon dependency.
Getting Started with wasmCloud by Jack Wallen - This post talks about wasmCloud with demo but If you’re just now hearing about WebAssembly it has few resources listed to understand that first.
eBPF — Understanding The Next-Gen Networking, Security & Observability for Cloud-Native Workloads - In this article Tanmay Deshpande explore eBPF and tools built on top of it and see how they can help in the cloud-native world
Containers and Docker - Mega Thread
Civo Academy
Civo Academy - Learn Kubernetes for free (no credit card required)
FREE OCI certifications -
Some stuff from Youtube
Obviously, you need to check out my friends' awesome cloud native content - Rawkode , POPCAST, Adrian, Bret
Baby Pics - Yay!! I became DAD!!
Sponsored content
This issue is brought to you by Teleport -> Teleport empowers engineers to quickly and securely access any computing resource anywhere on the planet. The Access Plane allows engineers and security professionals to unify secure access and provide visibility to infrastructure, applications, and data across all environments.
Teleport version v7 came out with mongodb support and other features
My Supporters
Thank you to the amazing members -> POP, Rawkode, Marky, Noel, Walid, Cedric and Jack
Thanks to Teleport for being a platinum member
Want to be a member and support my work, check out the membership program
Do not forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel
Thank you for reading this edition and hope you like it, let me know if you are doing something great that will benefit the community, I will include that.