Let's Learn WebAssembly in 2024
Happy new year everyone! I hope you have decided your new year resolutions and goals for 2024. First few weeks are really interesting as the amount of effort we are ready to put in first few weeks is just insane. Let’s carry the same momentum throughout 2024.
We are 15 days in and I have a very special surprise for you!! We have just published our first full course →“The Complete WebAssembly Course - From BEGINNER to ADVANCED!“ covering WebAssembly in details with theory and many examples so that you can get your hands dirty with wasm and learn WebAssembly in 2024.
This course is created my me and Rishit Dagli and it covers:
Introduction to WebAssembly: We discuss the history of Wasm, its success in browsers, and its rising popularity on the server side.
CNCF Wasm Landscape and Bytecode Alliance: This section explains the CNCF Landscape and the significance of the Bytecode Alliance.
Memory Management and Sandboxing: An in-depth look at Wasm's core feature of sandboxing and memory management.
Wasm Module: Exploration of the Wasm module, including binary representation, different sections, and mapping from wat files to binary.
Networking Capabilities in Wasm: We delve into the Wasm networking proposal with a practical example.
Tooling around Wasm and Runtimes: Discussion of Wasm specifications, implementations, and additional capabilities provided by various tools.
Run Wasm Everywhere with WASI: Exploring the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) for server-side applications, including demos.
WASIX and WASI Preview 2: Insights into the future of WASI and the innovations like WASIX.
Wasm in the Cloud Native Landscape: Analysis of Wasm's role in cloud-native technologies, including integration with Docker and Kubernetes.
Wasm Component Model: A deep dive into the component model, including demonstrations using tools like Spin.
KV Store in Wasm: Demonstrating a key-value store example using Spin.
Running ML Models in Wasm: Covering machine learning inferencing in Wasm with practical demos.
Observability for Wasm Modules: Focusing on the importance of observability for enterprise adoption of WebAssembly.
Final Thoughts about Wasm: Summarizing our views on Wasm in 2024.
Do watch the course, share with your network and if you like it then subscribe to the Kubesimplify YouTube channel.
I also created and published a Civo Crash course video on Civo YouTube channel in 2024. This covers all the Civo services and cool demos including
Simple app with https running on Civo Kubernetes
App accessing Civo Database running on Civo Kubernetes with https
Accessing Civo Object storage
Creating Civo Kubernetes and deploying app using terraform
In this complete 1hr+ course you will learn how easy it is to use Civo and get started for deploying your applications.
So this is what I have been cooking for the past few months. Coming next will be more amazing such courses on Kubesimplify, so you just have to subscribe and learn the latest stuff.
Conferences I am going to
Civo Navigate - I love Civo Navigate not because I am part of making this event come to life but because the awesome people I get to meet, sessions I get to attend and innovations I get to see. This is a dope event happening on 20th and 21st Feb in Austin. If you are around then lets meet. Dm me if you want discounted code for the ticket.
WasmIO - This is one of the best conference I attended last year and I am even more excited to be at the second edition. This time I have multiple sessions, so it will be fun. Also what a timing to release course before the event. Let’s hang out and chat Wasm if you are in/around Barcelona on 14th and 15th March.
KubeCon EU - I was almost about to skip KubeCon EU but since WASm I/O and KubeCon dates are so close that i can cover both the conferences with less distance I have to travel, so I will be there at Kubecon and also speaking at the co located event - Kubernetes on Edge Day. Again, if you are coming to Paris and Kubecon, do not forget to say HI!
Let’s move on to some of the awesome content, community has already created in 2024.
CKS Course made free by Kim(Founder of Killercoda)
What an amazing day today! alongside on our Wasm course, my friend Kim also made his dopest course on CKS free on his YouTube channel. Do watch and you can also get my CKS book, so go learn all the concepts from the course.
Awesome Reads
DevOps Trends 2024: Business Impact - Article shows latest trends across 5 key categories in modern engineering and DevOps, highlighting their impact and strategies for implementation, covering areas like Developer Experience, Sustainable Systems Intelligence, DevSecOps, Microservices and GitOps, and Cloud-Native Scalability.
What is Rust and Why Should You Use It? - Rust is a multi-paradigm, general purpose language. The article discusses Rust's low memory usage, efficient error handling, unique syntax, and its growing popularity in various industries, while also acknowledging its steep learning curve and smaller ecosystem compared to more mainstream languages.
Part 1: How to build an AI-powered bookmarking app with Python and WebAssembly - This is the first part of the series where Matt is building a Python web app for bookmarking pages. First is, building just a basic HTML page and Python form handler.
In-browser code playgrounds - Fantastic WebAssembly usecase, in-browser code playgrounds, detailing how they run language runtimes entirely in the browser using WebAssembly System Interface (WASI), and highlights their integration with Codapi to provide features like templates and code cells, while also allowing for a switch between browser-side and server-side execution models.
Blixt - A load-balancer written in Rust, using eBPF, born from Gateway API - Blixt originated at Kong as an experiment to test load-balancing ingress traffic for Kubernetes clusters using eBPF for the dataplane. This blogs gives a brief history of blixt and how you can get involved.
Rebuilding Netflix Video Processing Pipeline with Microservices - This is the first blog in a multi-part series on how Netflix rebuilt its video processing pipeline with microservices, so we can maintain our rapid pace of innovation and continuously improve the system for member streaming and studio operations. This introductory blog focuses on an overview of our journey. Future blogs will provide deeper dives into each service, sharing insights and lessons learned from this process.
Deprecation Warnings in containerd - Getting Ready for 2.0! - Are you ready for containerd 2.0 ? - containerd 2.0 will be the first new major release of containerd since the initial stable release of 1.0 in December, 2017. After six years of iteration, development, and refinement, 2.0 will encapsulate the learning we’ve had building and supporting containerd at large scale (and as the default container runtime for a number of managed container offerings).
Awesome Learning resources/Repos
LlamaEdge — lightweight & portable LLM tools for your local, edge & server devices.
enterprise-wasm - Evaluate various WebAssembly back-end frameworks and tool-chains for enterprise workloads
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