Cloud native with Saiyam - Birthday edition
On the 18th of April 2022, I entered a new era -> 30's era, It's a huge change but I will try to keep up my energies and do max in my capacity to give back to the community in every way.
Today is 30th April which also marks the 1st death anniversary of my brother(never imagined this). The past year has changed everything for me, my family, and my perception of life. I appreciate and thank every moment of my life as it is not free. The only thing IMO everyone should focus on is helping others as you never know what other person is going through so always be kind.
I now try to live every moment of my life, cherish all the memories that I have with my brother, and dedicate all my wins to him as he only taught me how to live life. Today I am spending time with my family and supporting them emotionally as it's easy said than done. I pray to GOD that wherever my brother is, he is happy and his blessing and love will forever stay with us.
Everyone is fighting their own battle, be kind and spread love!
My upcoming talks
London meetup in person - yes very excited about it !! - Kubernetes 1.24 Updates
KCD Chennai - GitOps simplified
KubeCon+CloudnativeCon EU in person: and
I am so proud of what we are building and what we have achieved in so little time. Here are some of the stats
Started March 23rd
Published 30 blogs
Got featured, trending on Hashnode and featured on Kubeweekly + various other newsletters
30k + views on the posts
1200+ followers on Twitter
8 one time sponsors
430+ followers on Hashnode
340+ followers on LinkedIn
1 Twitter bot project complete
2 short projects started
The community is amazing and we are growing even more! Support us by following on all platforms and sponsoring us. Here is what we produced in past 15 days:
Starting your DevOps Journey as a Windows User by Vaidansh Bhardwaj
Event-Driven Architecture Simplified: Monolith to Microservices by Hamees Sayed
Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) 2022 exam guide by Aditya Tripathi
How to backup Kubernetes with Kasten Community Edition? by Geoff Burke
My Schedule for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2022 by Saloni Narang
A beginner's guide to Dualbooting Windows with Ubuntu: Part 1 by Arnav Barman
Sponsored content
Bumping up the sponsored content so that you can click on them and see the latest from them. They make this possible so would request you to visit and try all the products - yes they are good people so if you need any help feel free to reach out as well.
Latest from them:
Komodor - Troubleshooting in Kubernetes: The Shift-Left Approach by Oleg Suharevich
Speedscale - Postman Load Test Tutorial By Talha Khalid
Armosec - Kubernetes Version 1.24: Everything You Should Know by Amir Kaushansky
CloudCasa - Top 6 Reasons to Choose CloudCasa over Kasten by Veeam
Sysdig - Monitor and troubleshoot Consul with Prometheus by Jesus Ángel Samitier
Teleport - 6 Best Practices for Kubernetes Audit Logging by TYLER CHARBONEAU
SlimAI - From Open Source to Open Design: Our Journey Building Our First-Ever Docker Desktop Extension by Sam Johnson
Finally, I got some time to do a stream and a CNCFMinutes video!!
AMA session - Covers many questions about DevOps roadmap, remote jobs, mental health, etc.
CNCFMinutes video on Cloud native buildpacks
Other videos by the community -
KubeSphere: One Kubernetes Platform for Full Stack Solutions & Management by Kunal Kushwaha
Using *HA* Kubernetes at home, was never so simple! by Christian Lempa
How to write beautiful Golang CLI by Cloud Native Skunkworks
Creating a gitops environment on CIVO Cloud with Gimlet by
Podcast -
News and Announcements
CNCF Mask mandate update clarification - A detailed report by CNCF has been published.
Human-centric data science on Kubernetes with Metaflow by Savin Goyal
ARMO raises $30M for the first open-source Kubernetes security platform
Nice February reads(16th to 28th Feb)
Flux With Buckets: Is This Still GitOps? by Engin Diri - How to use the Flux Bucket component with AWS S3 with Civo and Pulumi
How WebAssembly Gets Used: The 18 Most Exciting Startups Building with Wasm by Renee Shah
Learning Docker with Docker - Toying With DinD For Fun And Profit by Ivan Velichko
Supply Chain Security with Cosign and Kyverno for On-premise Kubernetes by Zhimin Wen
How to create a react app with Go support using WebAssembly in under 60 seconds by Roy Hadad
Use GitHub Actions to Build GraalVM Native Images by Matt Raible
Chainguard Enforce: Software Supply Chain Security for K8s by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
Designing and testing a highly available Kafka cluster on Kubernetes by Douglas Hellinger
Learning resources/repositories
Robot shop - Sample microservices app for demo
gefyra - Blazingly-fast 🚀, rock-solid, local application development ➡️ with Kubernetes.
infracost - Cloud cost estimates for Terraform in pull requests💰📉 Love your cloud bill!
CKA Study guide by David Holder
Learn from Twitter
Sponsors Info
This issue is brought to you by Komodor, Speedscale, Cloudcasa, Sysdig, Robusta, Suborbital, Armo, SlimAI, and Teleport ->
Komodor is a Kubernetes reliability platform, complete with automatic troubleshooting playbooks for every K8s resource, and static-prevention monitors that enrich live & historical data with contextual insights to help enforce best practices and stop incidents in their tracks. By baking K8s expertise directly into the product, Komodor is democratizing DevOps knowledge and empowering dev teams to resolve issues efficiently and independently.
Speedscale is a traffic replay framework that provides API observability, and autogenerated tests and mocks from real traffic. Speedscale helps engineering teams validate how new code will perform under production-like workload conditions. Traffic can be multiplied to measure the golden signals of latency, throughput, saturation and errors before the code is released
Cloudcasa is Free Kubernetes Backup and Cloud Migration with Cyber-Resilience as-a-Service. Mi Casa es Tu Casa!
Sysdig is driving the standard for cloud and container security. The company pioneered cloud-native runtime threat detection and response by creating Falco and Sysdig as open source standards and key building blocks of the Sysdig platform
ARMO assures DevOps, DevSecOps, and developers that every workload, cluster, container, and microservice is born and remains secure, from development to production and from configuration to run-time, every time. They are the creators of Kubescape.
Robusta - an open source platform for Kubernetes troubleshooting and automation. Robusta automates your incident response and troubleshooting - what Docker did to Day 1, Robusta does to Day 2.
Suborbital Making cloud native WebAssembly easy.
SlimAI - giving developers the power to build better cloud-native applications with less friction, complexity, and waste.
Teleport is the easiest, most secure way to access all your infrastructure. The open-source Teleport Access Plane consolidates connectivity, authentication, authorization, and audit into a single platform.
Individual suporters
Thank you to the amazing members -> Rawkode, Noel, Walid, Cedric , Jack , Blaize D'souza, ChadMCrowell, Meaux and Phil Shapiro
Special thanks to Komodor, Speedscale, Cloudcasa, Sysdig, ARMO, Suborbital and Robusta for being Org members and to SlimAI and Teleport for being platinum members.
Some amazing partnerships coming up that will be announced on Twitter so keep an eye out if your org wants to grow the community and support my work then consider becoming a member as it comes with a lot of benefits(membership program)
Do not forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel