On the 18th of April 2022, I entered a new era -> 30's era, It's a huge change but I will try to keep up my energies and do max in my capacity to give back to the community in every way.Today is 30th April which also marks the 1st death anniversary of my brother(never imagined this). The past year has changed everything for me, my family, and my perception of life. I appreciate and thank every moment of my life as it is not free. The only thing IMO everyone should focus on is helping others as you never know what other person is going through so always be kind.I now try to live every moment of my life, cherish all the memories that I have with my brother, and dedicate all my wins to him as he only taught me how to live life. Today I am spending time with my family and supporting them emotionally as it's easy said than done. I pray to GOD that wherever my brother is, he is happy and his blessing and love will forever stay with us.Everyone is fighting their own battle, be kind and spread love!My upcoming talks London meetup in person - yes very excited about it !! - Kubernetes 1.24 UpdatesSUSEcon with my friend Nuno - 3 ways of K3sKCD Chennai - GitOps simplifiedKubeCon+CloudnativeCon EU in person: https://sched.co/ytr7 and https://sched.co/ytuG
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Cloud native with Saiyam - Birthday edition
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On the 18th of April 2022, I entered a new era -> 30's era, It's a huge change but I will try to keep up my energies and do max in my capacity to give back to the community in every way.Today is 30th April which also marks the 1st death anniversary of my brother(never imagined this). The past year has changed everything for me, my family, and my perception of life. I appreciate and thank every moment of my life as it is not free. The only thing IMO everyone should focus on is helping others as you never know what other person is going through so always be kind.I now try to live every moment of my life, cherish all the memories that I have with my brother, and dedicate all my wins to him as he only taught me how to live life. Today I am spending time with my family and supporting them emotionally as it's easy said than done. I pray to GOD that wherever my brother is, he is happy and his blessing and love will forever stay with us.Everyone is fighting their own battle, be kind and spread love!My upcoming talks London meetup in person - yes very excited about it !! - Kubernetes 1.24 UpdatesSUSEcon with my friend Nuno - 3 ways of K3sKCD Chennai - GitOps simplifiedKubeCon+CloudnativeCon EU in person: https://sched.co/ytr7 and https://sched.co/ytuG