Today is India's 76th Independence Day and I would like to dedicate this edition to all the freedom fighters who made it possible for us to live freely.I was not well recently and took sometime off to recover. It's ok to take off and spend time with yourself, make yourself healthy as health is not secondary. You can learn new tech and do all things if you are healthy, you lose your productivity when you are not well and try to push yourself. Make sure to take some time out every day and stay healthy. I have also been working on exploring new tools recently as I love to do it :) Recently a new tool -> Acron by the co-founders of Rancher was launched that focuses on simplifying the application deployment to Kubernetes. I added that to the Civo marketplace and also wrote a blog on it, the team is amazing and I was fortunate enough to get the first insights into the product. I would like to congratulate all the people who got selected for Kubecon NA 2022, I will be skipping this edition of Kubecon but will be there at Hashiconf Global in LA and DevOpsDays India (Bengaluru).What I have been working on Exploring Acorn - Wrote a blog on it and also added to Civo marketplace.Troubleshooting Kubernetes issues using Komodor - In this blog, I cover the features Komodor provides for troubleshooting Kubernetes.(Video)Setting up Kubernetes 1.24 with dockerd as container runtime
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Cloud native with Saiyam - Independence day…
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Today is India's 76th Independence Day and I would like to dedicate this edition to all the freedom fighters who made it possible for us to live freely.I was not well recently and took sometime off to recover. It's ok to take off and spend time with yourself, make yourself healthy as health is not secondary. You can learn new tech and do all things if you are healthy, you lose your productivity when you are not well and try to push yourself. Make sure to take some time out every day and stay healthy. I have also been working on exploring new tools recently as I love to do it :) Recently a new tool -> Acron by the co-founders of Rancher was launched that focuses on simplifying the application deployment to Kubernetes. I added that to the Civo marketplace and also wrote a blog on it, the team is amazing and I was fortunate enough to get the first insights into the product. I would like to congratulate all the people who got selected for Kubecon NA 2022, I will be skipping this edition of Kubecon but will be there at Hashiconf Global in LA and DevOpsDays India (Bengaluru).What I have been working on Exploring Acorn - Wrote a blog on it and also added to Civo marketplace.Troubleshooting Kubernetes issues using Komodor - In this blog, I cover the features Komodor provides for troubleshooting Kubernetes.(Video)Setting up Kubernetes 1.24 with dockerd as container runtime