So the crazy 15 days of travelling and attending Hashiconf and Dubai GITEX have ended. Both were fantastic events and I met a lot of people in person and had real conversations about cloud native, Kubernetes, community and mental health. A few of the highlights were Having a long conversation with Armon (Hashiconf co-founder).Mitchell Hashimoto(Hashiconf co-founder) and Koes Bong(waypoint Director) attended my session and said it was great :) .Meeting with Ministry of AI, UAE and discussing future collaboration.Meeting with Mumshad (KodeKloud founded) and discussing future collaborations.All of my talk slides for Hasiconf and Dubai GITEX are available on my repo, I will add my previous talk slides as well to this repo. I will include some of the pictures in the end of this newsletter.My upcoming scheduleDevOpsDays India(Bengaluru) - The schedule is out so make sure to purchase the tickets and then see the dope agenda.KubeDay Japan - I will be speaking with Kyle Quest in Japan. This is a official CNCF event.Civo Navigate (Florida)- This is one of a kind conference and I am really looking forward to making it a success. Reach out for any. queries. KubeCon NA is coming up next week! Who all are excited? Though I am not going and will be having a real FOMO but I think I will be watching some of the talks. Are you excited for Kubecon NA and what all talks are you excited about? Reply to this email so that when I put out my KubeCon schedule I can include your talk as well.
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Cloud native with Saiyam - The talks edition
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So the crazy 15 days of travelling and attending Hashiconf and Dubai GITEX have ended. Both were fantastic events and I met a lot of people in person and had real conversations about cloud native, Kubernetes, community and mental health. A few of the highlights were Having a long conversation with Armon (Hashiconf co-founder).Mitchell Hashimoto(Hashiconf co-founder) and Koes Bong(waypoint Director) attended my session and said it was great :) .Meeting with Ministry of AI, UAE and discussing future collaboration.Meeting with Mumshad (KodeKloud founded) and discussing future collaborations.All of my talk slides for Hasiconf and Dubai GITEX are available on my repo, I will add my previous talk slides as well to this repo. I will include some of the pictures in the end of this newsletter.My upcoming scheduleDevOpsDays India(Bengaluru) - The schedule is out so make sure to purchase the tickets and then see the dope agenda.KubeDay Japan - I will be speaking with Kyle Quest in Japan. This is a official CNCF event.Civo Navigate (Florida)- This is one of a kind conference and I am really looking forward to making it a success. Reach out for any. queries. KubeCon NA is coming up next week! Who all are excited? Though I am not going and will be having a real FOMO but I think I will be watching some of the talks. Are you excited for Kubecon NA and what all talks are you excited about? Reply to this email so that when I put out my KubeCon schedule I can include your talk as well.