So I am getting ready for my upcoming travel to Hashiconf Global and Dubai Gitex globaldevslam. I got three talks overall, and I am excited about them. As an attendee and speaker, this will be my first time in the US and at Hashiconf.My kiddo turned one on the 24th of September, and seeing her growing is the most beautiful thing. I have been capturing all the precious moments with her, and yes, we had a grand celebration with a family gathering. Loved every bit of it.Coming to the content - I was busy preparing the talks, slides and demos for my upcoming talk, organising DevOpsDays India, which is happening in November in Bengaluru and creating some content:Production to staging traffic replay using Speedscale - A great tool that can be used for various use-cases related to API testing, performance testing and live traffic replay.Exposing your application to HTTPS with Civo Kubernetes, Traefik and cert-manager - You need to have https for your application, and you can easily use traefik, Kubernetes, cert-manager and lets-encrypt to do it.My upcoming scheduleHashiconf Globalin LA - I will be speaking on Hashicorp Waypoint 0.10Dubai GITEX -> globaldevlslam initiative - I have two sessions on Supply chain security and Acorn.DevOpsDays India(Bengaluru)
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Cloud native with Saiyam - Travel is on!
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So I am getting ready for my upcoming travel to Hashiconf Global and Dubai Gitex globaldevslam. I got three talks overall, and I am excited about them. As an attendee and speaker, this will be my first time in the US and at Hashiconf.My kiddo turned one on the 24th of September, and seeing her growing is the most beautiful thing. I have been capturing all the precious moments with her, and yes, we had a grand celebration with a family gathering. Loved every bit of it.Coming to the content - I was busy preparing the talks, slides and demos for my upcoming talk, organising DevOpsDays India, which is happening in November in Bengaluru and creating some content:Production to staging traffic replay using Speedscale - A great tool that can be used for various use-cases related to API testing, performance testing and live traffic replay.Exposing your application to HTTPS with Civo Kubernetes, Traefik and cert-manager - You need to have https for your application, and you can easily use traefik, Kubernetes, cert-manager and lets-encrypt to do it.My upcoming scheduleHashiconf Globalin LA - I will be speaking on Hashicorp Waypoint 0.10Dubai GITEX -> globaldevlslam initiative - I have two sessions on Supply chain security and Acorn.DevOpsDays India(Bengaluru)